
"The eyes of a dog, the expression of a dog, the warmly wagging tail of a dog and the gloriously cold damp nose of a dog were in my opinion all God-given for one purpose only — to make complete fools of us human beings."         Barbara Woodhouse



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Hi Carol,
Just took some photos of Starlet this morning as we were out walking around.  She has become the little farm manager here.  : )  Oversees everything going on, and makes sure it is all running smoothly.  : )  She is so easy.  She is one of the few we can just let out the door to be outside without supervision.  She'll hang out in the barn, check out property, lay on the deck, visit the dogs in the fenced part of the yard (she can still jump anything) and then waits patiently to come back inside.  She no longer sleeps in a crate, just in my room or in my son's room on the floor.  She is really my dog though and follows me everywhere.  Such a sweetheart.  I kind of like her with her coat this length.  I'll probably keep it on the shorter side of things simply because she enjoys running in the woods and it's too hard to keep the burrs out. 
Hope all is well and you are having a great holiday weekend!
Dear Carol,  ( Rocken Rufus Roberts)

We have only had Rufus in his new home for five days and things are progressing so fast that I couldn’t find time to write until now.  The trip home went smoothly.  There were a few barks and whimpers but all I had to do was stick my hand inside his travel bag to quiet him.  Once we were on the plane, the Delta cabin crew was interested in meeting him so they allowed him to stick his head out of the bag to see what was going on.  That started everyone around us to coo and pet him so he relaxed and enjoyed the attention.   After a slightly wild cab ride from the airport (hey, this is NYC so he has to get used to it) we fed and watered him.  While he ate everything in his bowl, Cecilia started placing out the wee-wee pads.  Rufus finished his meal, walked over to the pads and promptly did his business.  Except for a couple of accidents when he first explored new rooms in our apartment, Rufus has continued to use the pads (mostly).  He’s not quite nine weeks old and he already has the basics of house training.  What an amazing dog!

I have set up space for his bowl, crate and play area in our living room.  He loves to crawl under one of our couches and sleep by my feet while I sit there.  For now, Cecilia and I have been sleeping on that couch to stay close during the night for Bathroom Breaks.  Last night he stayed in his crate all night for the first time, and he barked when he needed to “read the papers.”  I opened the crate and led him to the appropriate spot asking him to “do your business.”  He promptly did just that and after I gave him profuse praise, he allowed me to place him back in the crate without a whimper.  Did I say what an amazing dog he is?

On Monday Rufus had his first visit to the vet.  She definitely has a good dog-bed side manner and he snuggled with her while she scratched and petted him into a sleepy ball of fur.  He had a few fleas (after all, he was living on a farm) so she gave him a pill that kills them.  She also checked and the remaining testicle has still not dropped but she said it’s not a serious issue since we are not going to breed him.  Otherwise, he is in excellent heath.  Dr. Rosenthal has six other Labradoodle clients and says he is one of the best looking (but we knew that already). 

Until Rufus has his Rabies and final Distemper/Parvo shots in a few weeks, he cannot walk around the city streets.  However, Dr. Rosenthal did say he could meet any dog with all shots as long as we stay inside and off the street so I have started introducing him to some of the other dogs in the building.  Last night he met the thirteen year old female Lab next door (she was gentle but slightly afraid of him) and later today he has a play date with a nine month old German Sheppard who live above us.  In the meantime, we are taking him for walks inside his travel bag so he can get used to the sights, sounds and smells of the city.  Rufus is absolutely not intimated by anything around him.  He perks up when he sees another dog and he really is quite interested in the pigeons, but traffic, sirens, jack hammers, etc. don’t seem to bother him at all.  He’s going to be a real City Dog when he gets to leave the travel bag and walk on his own.

I’ve included a few photos to show how he’s doing.  He seems to be growing, maturing and gaining confidence every day.  I’ll send more photos later to keep you in the loop as he becomes a sophisticated dog-about-town.

Thanks for giving us such joy!                 George and Cecilia




BOOMER (Kalie/Casper ) Last Changed

Hi Carol,
Just an update on Boomer.  We went to the vet yesterday and he weighed in at 15 pounds.  Everyone thought he was the cutest boy ever.  He checked out to be in excellent health, of course!  The vet tech as she went through the puppy basics list topics, i.e. crate, ear cleaning, alpha roll, etc., she was amazed at what we already knew and are doing with him.  She replied "Sounds like you guys had an awesome breeder!"  We did, so thank you!  Boomer is such a hoot!  He plays so well with the girls and he is such a good puppy!  He has also been a hit with our Rottweiler and Lab!  I was so surprised yesterday when I took him out back to go potty, he started playing with Mackenzie(Rottweiler) and she rolled over for  him!!  Our Lab was happy to see him too, but much more interested in playing fetch, than a new playmate.  So things are going well for us, potty training is going great too.  I hope to get some pictures for you soon, our digital camera bit the dust, so we need to go get a new one!
Thank you again,              
Tiffany Smolter
TEEKA (Kalie/Casper) Last Changed

Hi Carol,

Pink Girl (Teeka) is doing great!!  We had quite an adventure getting home – she was in my lap by the time we got to the end of your road and then had to pull over off of I-20 to avoid driving into bad storms. It did not phase her one bit. Did you get bad weather?  Everyone has bonded with her and she is always so excited to see the kids and they do not like it when she is sleeping.  They want to play with her all of the time.  She has been really good.  She only has accidents when Ron is watching her.  She is already letting me know when she’s gotta go and she’s going about 4 hour stretches at night.  She sleeps next to my side of the bed and does not cry anymore.  She definitely doesn’t like the crate, but goes in when I have to be gone for a little time.  She’s walking on a leash pretty good and is sitting and coming when we call her name.  We just love her!!  She went to the vet yesterday and did great.  She’s 12.5 pounds and will go back near the end of the month for her second shots.  The doc did not see tapes in her stool, but is treating her just in case.  He’s great and all of the girls went wild over how cute and well behaved she was.  The name of the doctor is Dr. Daniell at the Villa Rica Animal Hospital.  She’s met all kinds of neighbor kids and is just the sweetest.  

 Hope you and your family are doing well and we look forward to seeing you again in the future.  There’s one picture attached out of the many that we have taken so far.  I swear she’s grown 2” taller since we brought her home.

Take care and thanks again!   Sincerely   Ellen
Jackson (F1 Jade Sam son) Last Changed
Hi Carol,
Jackson is such a joy!  We have really enjoyed him over the last year,
and he has become a true member of our family.  We run a couple of miles
every morning, then he sits in the front yard and says hello to all the other
walkers and their dogs as they go by throughout the morning.  He does
great with the invisible fence.  Lots of neighbors call him by name as they
go by.  He only breaks out if my sister walks by with her Basset Hound, Rocket,
who is Jackson's best buddy, and that is just irresistable, so he bolts!
She has to skip our block now when she walks.  For all other temptations,
he stays in.  He sleeps in the house or the yard all day, chases a
squirrel or chipmunk, or plays with the big rope swing in our back yard until time
for the boys to get off the bus.   There is a neighbor who waits for her
child in her car at the street, and when Jackson sees her car, his ears perk
up and he whines to go out, because he knows the bus will be here in a few
minutes!  We took him to our neighborhood pool recently, but he would
not get in, which really surprised us.  He loves to play in a big bowl of
water, but I guess the pool was to much.  He is very obedient and loving to
everyone who visits.  He loves to play fetch, or jump up high to get
sticks or toys or whatever the boys hold up.  He sleeps in the house, sprawled
out on his back, spread eagle.  He always seems very hot, so we've kept him
trimmed down pretty short all summer.  He loves the cooler weather.
Thanks so much for allowing him into our lives.  We adore him!   Lee Merritt
Merlin Last Changed
Hi Carol,
Thanks so much for the helpful hints!  Merlin continues to be an awesome puppy.  He will have his first Veterinary checkup today and I'll let you know what the Vet has to say about him.  I have been working my way through the "Dog Training For Dummies" book and find it a wonderful reference.  Where other books give general concepts, this one provides specific exercises for the novice owner/trainer.  I also like the personality profile that ranks your dog on the various drives - prey, pack, fight and flight.  I think Merlin is a bit too young for an accurate score, but he is currently showing moderate scores on Prey and Pack and extremely low scores on Fight and Flight.  Sounds like he may be a "Teacher's Pet" type dog as he gets more mature - especially if we stay on the training path.
Yesterday, I took Merlin for a long walk, on leash, across the road and through the woods to Canadice Lake.  I thought I might have to carry him back, but he hung in there for the entire time.  He LOVED wading in the shallow water and bouncing in the small waves that were rolling in.  I have not seen a fear reaction to anything yet, and he's been exposed to some pretty loud and scary things here on our property.  He's so curious about everything...wanted to go check out the lawnmower and the Gator which both make lots of noise when running.  Naturally, we held him back, but we were delighted with his response.
He has continued to "sit and watch" new things before he charges forth.....just like he did at your house.  When bicycles or motorcycles go by him, he sits and watches, then tries to follow or approach them.  He greets everyone (men, women, boys, girls) with enthusiasm and is quickly leaning not to jump on people.  We have not let him be around other dogs yet - waiting for his shots to be complete.  He responds well to verbal corrections like "ah ah" in most situations.  He is a avid gardener....just having trouble differentiating between plants and weeds....likes to see if he can tear them out of the ground.  Some digging behavior, but fairly easily corrected and distracted.  
I've learned quickly that Merlin is HIGHLY motivated by food/treats!  My beginning mistake was trying to get by on praise without enough treats.  By combining both, we are doing just great.  He just sat and laid down in the laundry room while I folded a whole load of laundry, and now he's playing with his biscuit ball while I type on the computer.  What a little doll!  I'm delighted that I can keep him out of the playpen and with me more of the time. 
Finally, the housetraining is going very well.  He is able to make it through the night from 10pm until 6am with no problem.  During the day, we take him out every couple hours and he goes pee immediately when we say "hurry up."  He typically goes poop two or three times and locations every morning.  Then he seems to store it up til late afternoon or early evening...not necessarily after meals.  I'm feeding him three to four times per day - mix of large puppy lamb and rice mixed with puppy Ultra, canned Nutro food for flavor (about a tbsp) and warm water.  He only eats what he wants and leaves the rest which we pick up after 15 minutes. 
OK, so I'm going on too long, but you can tell how happy we are with our superpuppy!  Thank you SO MUCH for guiding us toward this amazing little guy, and thank Jade for being such a great MOM.
Best wishes on finding homes for the remaining puppies.


COMET Last Changed


HI Carol! 
 Hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas, we sure did!  Comet had a blast at my parents house, and yes everyone fell in love with him...even my mother!!!  He followed her around and sat by her chair, played with all the kids and we even took him to see my grandmother who is quite ill, and he sat by her chair and she loved patting his head.  When my girls were out of his sight, he would whine for them, and refused to go inside until they also were in the house.  My dad spoiled him quite a bit with ham and steak, but I insisted only a little bit in his bowl.  Just wanted to share how well it went and let you know that he is also a member of the extended family as well!  Hope you all have a great new year and please keep in touch.  I will too!  julie





Hi Carol!

Thank you so much for the great "Doodle" sticker!  We love it!  And we are having a ball with our Finn.  I just had him out for a long walk and play time.  He loves puppy kindergarten (training time) and is VERY motivated by treats! He goes bonkos, even if I'm just giving him pieces of his dog food.  Finn's eager to learn and easy to train.  He's learning COME, SIT, DOWN, and STAY.   Loves being outside, and spends quite a bit of time out there every day with us.  And our other dog, Bentley, has started wrestling with him off and on--great way to burn up some of that endless puppy energy!  Bentley was such a coach-potato before we got Finn.
His vet checks have all been great.  No problems there.  Finn's so laid back, he fell asleep on the exam table when the vet had to go out of the room for a minute.
People always comment on his extremely large feet--not sure if we should get another dog leash or a harness and bit for him!  He's growing so fast!
We have a sweet groomer who comes to pick up all the dogs (5-6) in our cul-de-sac once a month and then brings them back later in the day.  We're not sending Finn, may later though.  But we asked her about pulling the hairs out of his ears.  I'm afraid I'll hurt him--sounds painful.  But I know it helps their ears stay dry and healthy.  She said it may bother them at first, but they get used to it.  Do you do that to your dogs?
His latest antic was when I walked out of the kitchen, Finn jumped up onto the open dishwasher door--all 4 paws!- and put his head all the way in and proceeded to clean the plates!  Very funny site.
I've attached a few pictures.  We learned real fast it's harder to take a picture of a black dog than it is a white dog!  So many pictures come out all black where you can't tell what his features look like.    Dana
Finn Last Changed

Hey Carol!

We love this dog so much!  He's doing great and is getting so big--probably  around 60 lbs now.  Finn's really a fun dog with a wonderful personality.  He explodes through the house in the morning when we let him out of the laundry room, runs to all the kids rooms to jump on their beds--no more sleeping late around here!  He gets them out of bed much quicker than I do! And he pays attention to people, he really looks at you.  Very sociable, loves to play.  Just an all around great dog.

We've been going to a great obedience class.  That's gone very well--he's a smart one.  The instructor often "borrows" him to show the rest of the class what to do.  We're so proud of our honor student dog.

Finn has wavy hair all over, especially on his head and legs.

Congratulations on your new additions and we're glad to hear Jade is going to have another wonderful bunch of puppies.  There are some very fortunate families that are going to get those puppies.                        Dana


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Jackson is just a joy.  He has such a good temperament.  He is completely house trained.  He has outgrown two crates, and does great just sleeping in the living room.  He is reliable with the invisible fence, and understands the "gates" we have created at the driveway for walks and in the back yard to go play in the lake.  This weekend, he jumped on my son's homemade raft and they poled across the lake.  Just like Huckleberry Finn!  He was so cute.
Our only dilemma is the toilet paper.  He loves it!  I cannot seem to get it of his reach (and still within ours). 
Thanks for keeping in touch.
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You can't buy loyalty,they say,
I bought it though,the other day
You cant buy friendships,tried and true
Well just the same,I bought that too.
I made my bid and on spot
Brought love and faith and a whole job lot
Of happiness,so all in all
The purchase price was pretty small
I bought a single trusting heart,
that gave devotion from the start
If you think these things are
Buy a brown-eyed puppy with a wagging tail.
